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Liberal Arts Major

Political Thought Emphasis

School of Arts and Sciences



  • Liberal Arts Core
  • 39-44 Units
  • ART 311: Art History I
  • 3

这是一门从史前时期到文艺复兴时期的西方艺术概览课程, employing illustrated lectures, independent research, museum visits, and discussion. This class is offered alternate years in the spring semester.


  • ART 312: Art History II
  • 3

这门课程是对从文艺复兴到20世纪的西方艺术的概览,采用插图授课, independent research, museum visits and discussion. This class is offered alternate years in the spring semester.

  • CENG 201: World Literature to the Renaissance
  • 3

本课程将通过比较和跨学科分析,着重于批判性思维和研究性写作. Alongside lectures and class discussion, 对古代西方和非西方文学代表作的研究, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance will emphasize the literary, cultural, and religious significance of these texts. Co-requisite: CHST 201; permission from Academic Advising is needed to take CENG 201 as an unlinked course.

  • COM 324: Intercultural Communication
  • 3

语言沟通过程中的社会和文化变量以及解决跨文化环境中沟通问题的策略,重点是感知等变量, roles, language codes, and nonverbal communication will be examined in this course.

  • HST 410: Mythology
  • 3

对古典时代的接受取决于古人告诉自己的故事, 以及它们在后来的时间和地点的解释和重新刻写. 这门课程追溯了现代人对塑造文明的最早记录的故事所欠下的债务, 既要在自己的历史背景下欣赏这些故事,也要考虑后来时代的反应(包括那些认同古代的和那些假设古代异化的), 在对古典传统的当代文化唤起的批判性思考中达到高潮. Prerequisite: CHST 201 or CHST 202 or HST 201.

  • HUM 495: Senior Project (1-3 units)
  • 1

在这个顶点课程中,学生将与教师每周见面一次,以便制定, research, and discuss an appropriate topic for their written project. Topics must be interdisciplinary, 将本专业的重点与本专业的其他学科相结合. Prerequisite: Liberal Arts major and senior standing.

  • MUS 352:世界文化音乐-或- MUS 482:音乐文化:基督教音乐表达
  • 3

MUS 352:世界文化音乐-这门课程将向学生介绍音乐作为一种普遍的文化现象和民族音乐学的学科,并接触到民间的音乐和社会方面, traditional, and art music of regions from Asia, Africa, Middle East, Europe, Latin America, and North America. Experience in music is encouraged but not required.


MUS 482:音乐文化:音乐表达在基督教-这门课程将调查的作用, development, 以及音乐在基督教会中的作用,从旧约到现在, with attention given to biblical, theological, social, and cultural considerations. Offered alternate years.

  • REL 321: World Religions
  • 3

这门关于世界主要非基督教宗教的概览课程将包括主题, belief patterns, ritual and worship, ethics, social patterns, origin and development, and sacred writings.

  • THR 251: Introduction to Theatre
  • 3

This course will provide an overview of the various conventions, forms, styles, and genres of the theatre, 包括戏剧分析原理和从戏剧角度探讨戏剧批评, literary, 以及通过对代表性戏剧的主题讨论而获得的文化视角. There may be an additional charge for required field trips.

  • Political Thought Emphasis
  • 18 Units
  • HST/POL 412: The U.S. Constitution
  • 3

本课程将探讨美国政治制度的起源,从七年战争结束到路易斯安那州购买案和马布里诉林肯案. Madison, 重点关注《菲律宾十大网赌网站》下的政府, the Constitutional Convention, ratification controversies, the first political party system, and Jeffersonian vs. Hamiltonian approaches to government. Offered alternate years.

  • HST/POL 414: The Courts and the Constitution
  • 3

The development of judicial interpretation of the U.S. 从1789年到现在的宪法将在这门课程中以政治为重点进行研究, social, cultural, and economic context for key Supreme Court decisions. 案例研究法将用于向学生介绍法律推理, including controversial court decisions involving race, religion, gender, and limits of government authority.

  • POL 304: Grand Strategy
  • 3

本课程将从理论和历史的角度探讨国际关系中被称为“大战略”的治国方略. 这门课程追溯了政治家是如何或没有如何组织和协调政治的, diplomatic, military, material, cultural, and moral resources available to a state, to achieve, 或者在战争与和平时期的国际环境中未能实现长期目标.

  • POL 321: Political Thought I: Ancient to Early Modern
  • 3

本课程将分析从古典希腊到17世纪北欧的西方政治思想的细微差别和发展轨迹,并关注每一代人所面临的关于政治协会和良好社会的性质的问题. 学生将熟悉每一位主要的政治思想家, the context in which they wrote, and influence upon the history of ideas.

  • POL 322: Political Thought II: The Enlightenment
  • 3

本课程将分析西方政治思想从早期启蒙运动(17世纪)到现在的细微差别和发展轨迹,并关注每一代人所面临的关于政治协会和良好社会的性质的问题. 学生将熟悉每一位主要的政治思想家, the context in which they wrote, and their influence upon the history of ideas.

  • POL 413: Religion and Politics in America
  • 3

本课程将探讨宗教在美国公共生活中的作用,重点是第一修正案的解释和影响,以及“政教分离”概念对美国宗教和政治生活的影响. Offered alternate years.

Current students, 请注意:这里列出的要求可能不反映该专业的最新课程,也可能不是您要完成专业的目录年的要求. Please refer to the Academic Catalog 对于官方要求,你必须符合资格获得学位.

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